LLP Filing Guide »

Supreme Court of the United States

If you are appealing to the United States Supreme Court, you must adhere to a completely unique, stringent set of rules and guidelines to file successfully. Our expert team knows exactly what to do, and please do not hesitate to call us if you have any questions. We believe that the highest level of customer service leads to swiftly and correctly prepared paperwork.

After receiving the finalized petitions or briefs, we review for rules compliance, typeset your cover, produce and bind the necessary copies for the court and service copies. We will, on or before the required filing date, send your petitions or brief filings via first class, certified mail to the court. Furthermore, we provide a cover letter to the court, affidavit of service, a word count certificate, and distribute service copies according to your instructions. If you request a file-stamped copy, we will be happy to supply an addressed, post-marked envelope to the court with the request that they file-stamp a copy and mail it back to your office. At Lantagne, we work meticulously to ensure quality services.

We can provide same day printing in some circumstances, but we do prefer to receive your petition or brief at least one day before filing. You may send us a hard copy, a disc or CD, or you may send it to our email address, which is . Acceptable formats are MSWord, Word Perfect, and PDF. Please refer to our materials located on this web site regarding Rule 14 - Petition for Writ of Certiorari and Rule 15 - Brief in Opposition for an outline of the rules. Of course, we also highly suggest a review of the full rules. A link to the Supreme Court of the United States can be found on our Resources page.

The following documents are in pdf format. To view them or print them, you need the Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not already have it, this program can be downloaded free from Adobe.


SCOTUS Petition for Writ and Brief in Opposition Information
Other Courts


Balancing Scales
1108 East Main Street, Suite 1201
Richmond, Virginia 23219

(804) 644-0477 or (800) 847-0477

(804) 644-3336
